

I just love Fridays. I find that overall they just tend to feel better than just about any other day of the week on a fairly consistent basis, and just thinking about them gives me a giddy little burst of joy that makes my little world a better place. As a kid, we used to look forward with great anticipation for the TGIF evening programming that always seemed to please our TV-starved appetites (my parents were really good about limiting TV time... something that took me until my own mommyhood to appreciate... thanks mom!) I remember bowls of popcorn and blankets and pillows thrown everywhere in our cozy living room as we cuddled up by the fireplace and watched live TV for something like two hours straight. It was awesome. Now-a-days we tend to get our fill-o-Friday by basking in the light of making fun weekend plans and getting excited for 48 hours of non-stop daddy/hunk-o-burnin'-love time. Ya, we're big fans of Andrew, and we love the idea of having him home all weekend long. This weekend will be especially awesome because it will be our last weekend together for a short spell. Bright and early Monday morning the kids and I are off to New Hampshire for a long-overdue visit with my big sister Rachel and her adorable little crew. Rachel will be jetting off for a week full of work and I will be in charge of 7 sweet little kiddos six and under! It is going to be so much fun!!! Noah and Emma have already started packing! But-- we will miss Andrew a great deal, and so, we are planning to take full advantage of the weekend ahead. Andrew is off today at noon, and we are planning to get all of the errands and work out of the way post haste so we can free up the evening and weekend for non-stop fun. Things on the list so far: family grocery store trip. Andrew and I have so much fun shopping together. Mostly, we like to make little challenges (think splitting the list 50/50 and having a boys vs. girls speed challenge... or giving each other a limit, say $5, and each being in charge of making an awesome dessert/dinner/etc. plan that fits the budget and whets the appetite) I'm not so good at coming up with these, but Andrew never seems to fail when it comes to the fun, so I am looking forward to what he has up his sleeves for the store this week! Also, just the thought of walking the hallowed halls of Whole Foods fills my little world with light and happiness. They mean it when they say "feel good about where you shop..." ahhhh... We are also looking forward to a long morning together with our little buddies Eirik and Joren tomorrow! Noah has already got his full horse collection out and set up in anticipation of a wonderful morning with a friend who is truly as much of a horse-lover as he is. And Joren is just a little sweet ham and we are so excited for our waffle-fest with them tomorrow morning. To top it all off, our best friends the Marlers are going to be swinging back our way from (what I hope has been) a very successful house/car hunt in Ohio this week, and we get them all afternoon AND overnight!!! I also get to hang out with my new-found-friends tomorrow at a baby shower for one of the most incredible women I have ever met. Noah is also hoping to be able to squeeze in a HSM party with his buddy Max, and Andrew and I might just sneak off at some point for a kid-free meal here or there! All in all... this weekend is going to rock! Thank goodness it is Friday! Heavenly Father loves us a lot-- he sends a Friday every single week. I'm so grateful! :) Happy Friday to all of you out there... what are your weekend plans???


DeGooyer Family said...

Have fun on your trip, and good luck with seven kids! =) And thanks again for the coupon! =)

Becca said...

Fun! I hope that you do have a lot of fun! Jake and I are hopefully going to get a session at the temple in and go to lunch or dinner. Then I'll be taking my mom to the temple too! Have fun at Rachel's.

Natalie said...

Happy Friday to you! It is so fun to read what you guys are up to!

Lacey said...

We're in Burley visiting the in-laws. Hope your Friday was great! I will try to call sometime.... got your new number form A Isbell. Hope you don't mind she passed it on. =D Also, wanted to tell you that your niece is super cute!

Melody said...

Wow, this makes me feel so bad that Eirik and Joren didn't get to come play on Saturday. We have missed you and can't wait to have you back. You will probably be pretty tired when you get back so please please let the kids come play for a while! We can't wait!

Joy said...

Hi Ruth! I was so excited to get your blog link from a girl in our new ward who went to highschool with Mary...Shani. Anyway, I am so glad to be able to keep up with you although you haven't blogged in awhile, have you had your baby? How exciting that you are on your 4th! :) Hope you are doing well.

Mary said...

Hey Ruth! I stumbled onto your blog, it's great to read about what's going on in your life!
This is Mary West:)