
Groundhogs Day?!?!?!? Agh!!!

We have long been fans of Groundhog Day. Well, at least we have been since our first LONG winter in Kirksville, 2006-2007, led us to the NEED for a celebration early in February to share with our friends! You see, we had been sick for almost six weeks running when Groundhog Day came that year, and we needed a reason to celebrate- and an excuse to get together with our friends! That first Groundhog Day party was a hit! We fit more than 60 moms and kids into our tiny little apartment and partied! We made groundhog sandwiches and punch and everyone brought groundhog themed sides and desserts. All of the kids came dressed in holiday attire (mainly a lot of furry costumes and black and brown sweats!) and we drew whiskers and noses onto their faces. We made up a burrow underneath our tall dining table for the kids to eat under, and mainly let them run wild, enjoy the sugar high, and celebrate!

The next year we repeated the tradition. It was a blast with just as many people, and a little more structure. Still lots of good food and fun, but this time we had groundhog day crafts, stories, and activities. It was hosted this year at my friend Janae's house, which was a lot bigger and easier to gather and enjoy in! Once again, the day was a hit-- a welcome reprieve from the LONG Kirksville winter!

The problem is that in my kid's short lives, this little celebration has become a big deal to look forward to. While the rest of the world lets the day pass almost unnoticed, my kids think of the day as like unto Christmas, Valentines, Easter, or Thanksgiving. This is a good and bad thing, of course. I love that my kids are understanding tradition and such... but... what did we do this year??? Nothing, except for really- really drop the ball. I didn't totally forget that it was groundhog day-- I just couldn't muster up the energy to put together anything. Sadly- today Noah totally called me on it. He asked when Groundhog Day was this year-- and I just didn't have the heart to fess up to the fact that it had already come and gone-- UNCELEBRATED-- this year.

So-- I'm asking all you good moms and good friends out there to weigh in on this one: Would it be wrong to host a groundhog day celebration... a couple of weeks late? Should I just fess up and do better next year-- OR-- should we throw a party and live it up a little late???


Melissa said...

Not wrong at all... maybe do it when you see the first sign of spring. I don't know. I loved the groundhog day parties that you had. The kids were all so cute with their brown clothes and drawn-on whiskers!

Debbie said...

I think it shows maturity to fess up that you didn't have the energy to do it. (they need to know that mommies run out of steam too) BUT plan a different party instead if you really want to make it up to them...and they can help. Maybe a Valentines day party instead? or a belated Groundhogs Day party... or a yeah the snow is melting party :)

The Posse said...

I think it's totally cool to cheat with a late party. How many times have I forgotten to take pictures on special events (i.e. Halloween, Easter, first day of preschool) and just faked it a couple weeks later? I'm not even gonna tell you.

Honestly, to a kid, a party is a party. I figger (yes, "figger") as long as it's in the same month it still counts.

Melody said...

No one, not even a kid, would believe that spring could be here in Michigan in Feb., soooo I say, Groundhog day can be pushed back at least a month and still be fine.
I think it's a fine idea. They will never know the difference.
I'll bring brown cupcakes with licorice whiskers. :)

(ps. how in the world do you spell Licorice? Licorish Licor.. no idea and it's too late to look it up. :)