Many of my old friends and
colleagues don't
believe me when I tell them that what I am doing is playing with beautiful babies all day long. But-- it is true. I've got three of them and trust me, they would take your breath away. They do it to me all the time. Noah Marvin was my first baby, and he stole my heart from day one. He will be four in October and I cannot believe how time has flown. He is such a good little friend. I feel so lucky to be his mom, and I learn so much from him every day. Emmaline Jane is the sweetest little thing this world may ever know. She will be two in August. According to the growth charts she is "failure to thrive"-- she is the tiniest little ball of energy and life-- but her heart big and sweet, and she is active and very, very healthy. She keeps me smiling and running and I am so lucky to have her in my life. Benjamin Brian was born just this April. He is my miracle baby. Born with a hole in his heart mixed with several other complications, we almost lost him. But he was a fighter right from the beginning. He taught me that God can heal hearts, both literally and figuratively, and is the physical manifestation of my renewal of love and hope and faith in myself and the world around me. He is getting better and stronger every day, and I feel so grateful to be able to hold him and love him whenever I want to-- to look into his sweet blue eyes and see a glimpse of what has been and what is to come. What a treat!
It's not fair. I'm in the middle of my hurry, get everything done, task list, and I stop to read through you blog for a second and find myself balling. What a sweet woman and fabulous mother you are. It's so touching reading of your love for your children. I guess I'm crying because I feel the same way about mine.
It's great to me a mom. I'm so glad you're coming to Wyandotte! You're truly an inspiring woman!
I have to agree with Melody-- and while I'm reading about how darling yours are, I'm reminded of how precious mine are and I just want to go snuggle up with them! I love you Ruth.
Ruth, your kids are all so beautiful! They are so blessed to have such a wonderful mother!
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